Helping you feel better in your body

Treat yourself, slow down, & PRESS PAUSE.

Welcome to Press Pause Recovery, your journey towards wellness. We welcome you to take time for yourself so that you can care for the people around you. Our goal is to help you move and feel better in your body. We offer a variety of modalities. Click the Book Now button below to learn more about what we do.

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Jonell’s amazing skill is something you must experience! Her hands guide your body to heal, and leave you feeling empowered and lighter. You can literally feel the tension and pain leave your body, and your spinal fluid flowing more freely as your spine gently realigns. Absolutely worth it!

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Karissa Benoit

Karissa Benoit

a week ago

I highly recommend Jonell! She is super passionate about determining the root cause of pain and relieving it. I had impingement syndrome of my left shoulder which caused me pain while doing the activities that I loved. A couple of sessions with her relieved the issue better than a full month of PT. I simply can’t say enough about how Jonell has helped me!

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Elizabeth Bower

Elizabeth Bower

a day ago

Jonell is trained in multiple therepeutic techniques and can work with you to determine if you need relaxation or more intensive massage to reduce back pain or other ongoing discomfort. She is such a positive person and I always leave sessions feeling renewed!!!!!

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dylan carelli

dylan carelli

a day ago

Two weeks before a long-planned European vacation, my lower back went out. Walking and sitting were painful, at best, and an expensive last-minute trip cancellation was looming. My doctor prescribed muscle relaxers and her nurse suggested a medical massage. A frantic search for that type of massage led to an appointment with Jonell five very short days before our trip. Jonell said that she could help the problem and that I would be able to travel. To say I was skeptical would have been an understatement. To this day I don't know exactly what she does, however when done, she advised me to drink lots of water and walk. She expressed no doubt that all would be well by the day of our travels. I did as she advised and Jonell was more than right. By the next afternoon I was great and the entire trip was physically unhindered in any way. I now regularly see her and feel better than I have in many years. How Jonell does what she does is incredible to me. Jonell and Press Pause Recovery deserve the highest rating possible and I am happy for the opportunity to give it!

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Daryl Shute

Daryl Shute

a day ago

About Press Pause Recovery: Learn about our services

Structural Integration works to melt the fascia network of the body. A session consists of slow movement and hands on technique waiting for the body to release. The bodywork is deeper than your traditional massage. 

Posture Assessment: This assesment shows if the body is holding patterns due to repetive use or injury.

Spinal Asessment:  This helps determine where in your body may be holding onto some stress and where to focus.

Assisted Stretch: Your therapist gently guides the person's body into various stretches, helping them achieve a deeper stretch than they could on their own. 

Our Vision:

Our approach to health and wellness is a  combination of physical, spiritual, emotional healing.  This benefits the body by gaining momentum as a whole piece and not systemic. 

We are a growing wellness spa bringing on more modalities. If you donʻt like to be touched , we have something for you, just ask.

Office Hours


09:00 AM07:00 PM


03:00 PM07:00 PM


12:00 PM05:00 PM


03:00 PM08:00 PM


09:00 AM07:00 PM


08:00 AM06:00 PM

Our POV:

The body has its innate ability to heal itself. It just needs help to get that accessed. Hello Spines and Brains, Hello Nervous Systems! I am a 45 year old body that has done life with multiple falls on my bum, lifting injuries, car accidents, to name a few. And in my journey to health and wellness, I put my body to the test and have seen bodies undo aches and stiffness. To be vulnerable with you, where I am now is healing my organs. I know you can get that healing too.

I did extreme sports, running and Crossfit for 5 solid years until my body couldnʻt take it anymore. I  got out of my car and waited for my joints to warm up till I could walk.  That was my late 30s.

Get on my table, when:

  • You are ready to get change in your body, 
  • You are committed to get on my table for 10-12 hours
  • Every body is different and depending what trauma youʻve been through, your experience can be a runny nose to a little cold to sleep to a stiff neck. Keep coming. 


smiling woman

Get in Touch

Reach out to us using the contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your construction needs.

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